Winchester Public Library Programs

Weekly Programs

Programs subject to change or cancellations with little notice.

Thursdays, 9am - 3pm



Beginners and experts are welcome to join in the fun. Mahjong is played in our community room every Thurs 9-3.

Mon, Wed, Fri : 8:15 - 9:15am



The public is welcome to join Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:15-9:15am for DVD led exercises.

Educational Programs

Programs subject to change or cancellations with little notice.
Refreshments will be provided at each program. 

February 7, 12pm - 1pm

Brown Bag Lunch:
Owls of Wisconsin


Licia, naturalist from the North Lakeland Discovery Center, telling the crowd about Owls in the Northwoods.

March 21, 11:45pm - 12:45pm

Lunch & Learn: UW-Extension Health & Well Being


Presented by: Sara Richie, Oneida, Vilas and Forest County UW-Extension Health Educator
Learn new ways to take care of yourself! There will be education activity and instruction. Free program. We provide the lunch and you enjoy. No Sign-up necessary.

June 20, 11:45pm - 12:45pm

Lunch & Learn: ABC's of Medicare


Presented by: Susan Corrieri, Elder Benefit Specialist of Vilas County
Are you new to Medicare, or have a loved one on Medicare that needs help? This program will give you all the important points of Medicare. Free program. We provide the lunch and you enjoy. No Sign-up necessary.

Author Talks

Check Back, we are scheduling now for 2019.